Electri-Pak System Kits
- Shielded “isolated ground” circuits
- Receptacle security (removal tool required)
- Three receptacles per Power Module
- Electri-Pak Electrical Wiring System is designed to bring three separate circuits of 15-amp service to each workstation in a modular wiring system
- Protection against EMI (elecro-magnetic interference)
- Circuit requirements are tailored to specific needs
- Includes flexible metal conduit with wiring
- Each Wall Attachment Unit (Base Power Feed) comes with a 3-plug block and plug removal tool. With this specialized tool, the Simplex Circuit blocks can be removed and rearranged.
- 99011 - 72" EP8 Kit
- 99010 - 60" EP8 Kit
- 99018 - 48" EP8 Kit
- 99009 - 44" EP8 Kit
- 99008 - 36" EP8 Kit
- 99014 - 30" EP8 Kit
- 99013 - 24" EP8 Kit
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