Spectrum's Blog

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  • Spectrum Donates To Chippewa Falls Fire Station


    The new Chippewa Falls Fire Station No. 1 was greeted by Spectrum Industries with a donation of over $15,000 in furniture. Spectrum donated 16 Flex Flip Tables and an IMC Station for the Fire Station’s training room in March 2017.    Located at 1301 Chippewa Crossing Boulevard, the…

  • How Furniture Can Make-or-break Makerspace


    Across the U.S.,teachers are integrating hands-on learning into their classrooms enablingstudents to work collaboratively while building skills through tinkering,creativity and innovation. This type of learning has many names includingSTEM/STEAM education and Makerspace.Any space or…

  • Customers Talk, Spectrum Listens


    Ben Jones, Vice President of SalesAs the premier educational furniture manufacturer, Spectrum Industries values customer feedback, comments and concerns. Gettingfeedback from customers influenced Spectrum to make changes to a number ofproducts.“Spectrum has always relied on the response of…

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