• Assembly Required

Corner Module for Elite Console


Add a Corner Module to your Elite Console configuration to create an "L" or "U" shaped workstation.

Item Numbers: 68168
  • Comes in a variety of Expressions finishes
  • Overhang tailored for audience-side accessibility

Build Your Own

Simply complete each step below to generate your perfect product!

Expressions Laminate

Choose Your Laminate

Note: Color samples are approximate. All edge bands will match your chosen laminate or as shown, unless you specify differently. Not all metal finishes are available for quick ship laminates. For more details about laminates and edge bands available and to request samples, contact us today.

Choose Your Edgeband Color

Preselects matching laminate edgeband

Note: Default edgeband will match your chosen laminate color, unless you choose differently. Hardwood edgeband is the ONLY color option for the Hardwood worksurface.

Metal Finish

Choose Your Metal Finish

Select a Style

Select a Style

Choose the Height

Choose the Height

Choose a Cutout

Choose a Cutout

Logo Option

Select Your Logo Option